My Week at Podfest 2023

This past week was spent at one of the largest podcasting and multimedia expos in the world, Podfest! 

While I’ve been to many conferences in the past few years, this one was special. This was the first conference that I went to as myself. 

Launching a company is scary. I’ve spent months worrying I wasn’t doing the right thing. Had I made a mistake? Will this idea I have play out or fall flat? Will anyone take me seriously? 

This week, I was embraced by industry professionals and newbies alike. I was heard and told that my message has value. That was exactly what I needed. 

In the coming days and weeks, I may adapt my services to focus on the areas that really ignite my creativity. I will be reaching out to new friends to build partnerships. I will research ideas I was introduced to. 

Most of all, I will remind myself again and again that my message has value and my company has a purpose. 

I spoke on stage about imposter syndrome—a feeling I know all too well—but I will move forward knowing that I do belong exactly where I am. I spoke about seeing the value in your own story, but nothing showed me how true that message was than the reactions of those who came to hear me.

Thank you to everyone who came to my sessions, spoke to me in the hallways, shared their story, lent me knowledge and ideas, and made this conference a greater experience than I had imagined. 

Take the time to understand your own story and find your own value. I promise you, you have more than you think.

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